Template: Medical IntakeWorkplace Ergonomics Assessment Intake Form Form TemplateUse This Template Collect information to assess ergonomic needs and workplace adjustments for employees.This is a preview of the template. Click here to use it.Full Name *Date of Birth *Position/Job Title *Date of Assessment *Primary Workstation Type *Desk (Seated)Standing DeskHybrid (Sit/Stand)Field WorkOtherDo you experience any discomfort or pain while working at your current workstation? *YesNoIf yes, please describe the discomfort or pain (e.g., back pain, wrist pain, neck strain) How many hours do you spend at your workstation per day? Do you use any of the following accessories at your workstation? (Check all that apply) Ergonomic ChairFoot RestMonitor StandKeyboard TrayErgonomic MouseAdjustable DeskOther (please specify)If you selected 'Other', please specify Do you feel your current chair and desk setup supports proper posture? YesNoNot SureHave you received training or guidance on proper workstation ergonomics? YesNoWhat improvements or adjustments would help make your workstation more comfortable? Additional comments or concerns about your workstation Signature of Employee *Sign HereDate of Submission *Use This Template